As we move into 2019, our thoughts turn from the indulgence of the festive period to new beginnings, new ambitions and resolutions for the new year ahead. And whilst there will be many who are planning to spend more time down the gym or wanting to eat healthier, there are far more enjoyable resolutions to stick to - like spending less time in front of the TV and more time on a new hobby or two.

 Hobbies come in all shapes and sizes, each lifting the spirits and stimulating the mind in their own unique way. Here we take a look into the world of model building, but not perhaps in the way you might think. Most people’s perception of model building involves trying to glue very small, ill-fitting plastic models together with unforgiving model glue that often results in more stuck to your fingers than anywhere else.

 Model building with UGears has a number of distinct advantages over traditional models and we take a look at those now…

 No Glue Whatsoever


 UGears eco-friendly construction kits are precision-engineered and laser cut from plywood sourced from sustainably managed forests and such is their intricacy and high level of craftsmanship that they can be fitted together without the need for any adhesives. Each expertly crafted piece fits into the next like a glove, so there’s none of the frequent frustration of having to shave bits of plastic off the kit with a knife so that it actually fits together as it should.

 Moving Parts

 Another factor that sets our model kits apart from traditional types is that many of our completed models feature moving parts that have been designed so that they can be seen in action from the outside. See some of our models in action here:


You can also look at more videos on our Youtube channel to see more of our stunning models in action! Do not forget to subscribe!

Plastics-Free Modelling

 The last thing the world needs right now is more plastic, which is what makes UGears construction kits & mechanical 3d puzzles so much more environmentally friendly than traditional model kits. Fashioned almost completely from plywood, our models will only ever have one element inside that isn’t, which will be the elastic band that makes the moving parts inside come to life.

 Models for a Range of Abilities

 Whilst our 3d models might look incredibly complex and difficult to put together, completing one is easier than you might think. Sure, there are some that are more difficult than others, which is why have created designs to appeal to experienced modellers and novices alike. All you need to do is choose a more basic model, to begin with, and as you move to the more complicated ones, you can watch your collection grow as your skill does.

 A Wide Range to Choose From!

 So, if you want to enjoy a model-building experience with a difference, why not take a look through our website and see the wide variety of models and puzzles we have to offer. We’ve got sports cars, trains, trucks and even a model horse to choose from, so there’s something to appeal to everyone.

 Check back soon for more from the stimulating world of precision modelling.