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A collection of functional wooden mechanical devices designed to handle, transport and store game elements in various tabletop games.
We are real fans of tabletop games and tabletop role-playing games. We also are very busy people and we always want to avoid the hassle that comes with the preparation for a tournament and handling of game elements during the game – all this takes those precious minutes-turning-into-hours, stealing from our fun time. This is why we gave a good thought on how to facilitate the game process by reducing the number of operations and instead – focus on the game.
This was the beginning of our new range, a series of smart and useful devices for true board game lovers. This October, exclusively on Kickstarter, we are launching The Ugears Games collection, designed especially for those who like the challenge and excitement of a game and appreciate the beauty of clever mechanisms: the Card Holder, the modular Dice Tower, the Deck Box, the Game Master’s Screen, and traditionally the Secret model, which we will present a bit later during this Campaign.
The Ugears Games Devices project is designed to help people to improve their gaming experience by eliminating all those additional operations, saving time and space to focus on your favorite game in the nice company of friends. We are glad to be back on Kickstarter. It provides live and direct communication with people from different countries from all round the world who share our ideas, interests, and this hobby. It’s really inspiring for us. We appreciate your feedback. Now it is time to make your move! So follow us, support us and be the part of our success story.
As it very often occurs in a large-scale board game that involves a lot of cards, the available space on the gaming table becomes a real problem. In addition, due to the lack of room, the cards mix up ruining the course of game and making the players return to sorting them over and over again. The Card Holder, a smart wooden box, is designed to eliminate these annoying inconveniences.
This device allows you to sufficiently improve the game by handling your cards while saving space on the gaming table. The space savings is so efficient that you can easily enjoy you game sitting at a table smaller than your regular one - with the same number of players. If you’re out of time and the game is only half-way through, take a picture of your battle field and continue the game later from that point.
The attractive wooden exterior of the Card Holder hides a smart extending mechanism that turns the box into ergonomic staircase shelves that allow you to conveniently pick a card from any stack in your Card Holder. Your new clever device has 12 compartments with spacers that accommodate up to 400 63.5х88 mm (2.48” x 3.46”) cards. The compartments are big enough to hold the cards in sleeves. In the extended mode the Card Holder enables four extra slots for up to 100 cards of 45х68 mm (1.77” x 2.68”) size.
In between games, your Card Holder will serve as a convenient and reliable storage unit: place your cards securely inside the device, lock with a self-contained latch. It is now ready to travel in your backpack.
The Card Holder from Ugears will clear your table to ensure the most efficient arrangement of game elements and maximum comfort to the players.
A clever adaptable model, the Modular Dice Tower can be used as a traditional dice tower as well as a set of four individual dice cups. The cups can either open completely or set ajar, which is especially convenient in case a player would like to avoid sharing the results of his roll but wants to take a peek himself.
This device is one of the most fun ones: each of the modules has detachable details. Reorganize them in accordance with the detailed instruction manual that comes with the model and you will have a single multistoried Dice Tower. Originally, The Modular Dice Tower is comprised of four dice cups, but you are not limited to four blocks. Two sets of this 3D puzzle will give you an eight-storied Dice Tower and twice as much fun!
Individually, the dice cups can serve the quartet of gamers in their quest. No more running after a runaway die or crawling under the table searching for the game piece that jumped off the edge. Just put your dice inside a small cubical box and give it a good shake. Put your dice cup back on the table and simultaneously push the buttons on the sides. This will release the bottom of the box with your dice sitting in it. Now it is time to make your move!
Every individual cup is perfectly compatible with each other and you and your friends can build the world tallest dice tower limited only by the number of cups you have – and your imagination.
This folding screen with an easy cheat sheets replacement mechanism and a built-in dice-tower helps the TRPG Master to better comprehend the game world mechanics and smoothly lead the game: at any time the Game Master can check necessary information by easily changing one sheet with another.
The Game Master can conceal his personal treasures and secrets behind the Screen, such as notes about the game, figurines and even a cup of tea. The built-in dice tower adds extra-suspense to the game: the time between the moment when the Master’s dice fall and the revealed results charge the atmosphere with extreme excitement.
When folded together, this unconventional looking device resembles a large book. Completely unfolded it opens as a screen with four panels, each of which has a special rubber-band fixture to hold an A4 size sheet of paper. Of course, you don’t have to use all four panels at the same time. If you need to save space on your gaming table, you can easily fold one or two panels away.
The fantasy inspired detail of the wooden panels is designed to make you feel like a real Master of the Game holding an ancient folio about an adventure, the greatest of them all.
The Mechanical Deck Box is a must-have for those who like Collectible Card Games and Living Card Games. Your cards will always be in perfect order waiting for you to push the button to release them from the comfortable compartments of the Deck Box.
The Deck Box is a handsome small chest that will fit nicely in the palm of your hand. The inner compartments can accommodate up to 120 game cards (traditional, sleeved or double sleeved) 2.48” x 3.46” (63.5х88 mm), 60 cards each.
Pushing special ledges on the sides of its lid triggers a mechanism that opens the box: the upper parts of the side panels slide down while the lid opens to the sides granting convenient access to two inner compartments. The device automatically latches in the open mode.
To close it, push the button on the body of the model. This will release a spring loaded mechanism that will return the side panels and the lid to their initial position. Your cards will stay secured inside, protected from spillage and damage.
It became a good tradition for the Ugears team to prepare special and amazing add-ons along with main rewards. And a secret intriguing device for tabletop games will be revealed a bit later during this Campaign.