Monowheel Wooden Model

At UGears, we’re all about beauty in design and our Monowheel 3D wooden mechanical model is about as beautiful as they come. However, rather than being purely aesthetic beauty, this particular model exudes a certain beauty thanks to the simplicity of its construction - especially when you consider that it’s created entirely from plywood - aside from the rubber band in the engine inside!


A Modern Curiosity


The Monowheel is a peculiar shape, we think you’ll agree and it was inspired by an actual design for a real mode of transport called the Monocycle from the 1980s. This invention actually made into production, but sadly never properly caught on, however, that doesn’t mean we can’t take a moment to appreciate the innovation for what it is - a triumph of engineering!


Steampunk Style


The Monowheel is an all-wooden 3D mechanical model created in a Steampunk skeleton design which allows for all of the amazing inner workings to be witnessed as it moves along. It might seem like a delicate model, but it’s actually quite sturdy, meaning that you can take it outside when you’re finished and actually play with it on the pavement or other hard surfaces. The inner mechanism of the Monowheel is reminiscent of a steam engine and is able to travel as far as 5 metres on a single wind of its engine.


Responsible-Plywood Construction

 Wooden Model Construction

The most impressive element of this and any UGears model is that it is not created from high-tech materials and powered by electrical motors. The truth is that every single model from our range is fashioned from a single sheet of plywood from sustainable Norwegian forest stocks. Every gear, cog, and rubber band engine has been expertly laser cut from wood - just wood.


This factor turns already impressive models like the Monowheel into an incredible feat of engineering design. So precisely fashioned is each piece of each model that they need absolutely no glue to construct and the motion they are able to achieve they do so thanks to the kinetic energy contained within a wound rubber band.


Like to Try the Monowheel Out for Yourself?


If our blog has whetted your appetite for creativeness and you’d like to try out the Monowheel for yourself, you can order it and many others like it on our website Don’t worry if you’re not someone with a lot of modelling experience, as you’ll find a range of models that are suitable for newbies and experienced modellers alike.


Unlike other types of plastic model, our 3D wooden mechanical models are designed to last and when you invest in one, you don’t just get the fun and enjoyment of actually putting it together - you also get to appreciate its beauty as an ornament or plaything for years to come.


If after looking through our range you just can’t decide which one is right for you or as a gift for a loved one, you can talk to our friendly team on +44192 686 4282 and they’ll guide you to your ideal purchase.