Week 2 winners!
Our congratulations to
Sabella Tilley who joined with a beautiful spring Theatre picture and video and Graham Hackett with his Dream Cabrio building process pics!

But the competition continues till the lockdown lasts!
For those of you who've taken part this week, you can easily enter again in the future weeks competition - just take new pictures of your models and post!

For those who haven't taken part yet.
Competition rules below:
We will announce a winner of one model of your choice (either from ugears.online or jigzle.co.uk) every Friday for the duration of the lockdown in the UK!

Competition rules:

1. Follow Instagram @mechanical_models and @jigzleuk or/and Facebook @mechanicalmodelsuk and @jigzleuk

2. Take pictures or videos of your recent ugears.online or jigzle.co.uk model building projects

3. Post them on Instagram or Facebook, Tag us in and use #lockdownmechanicalmodels

4. Every Friday for the duration of the lockdown in the UK we will announce 1 winner!

Please make sure you are doing all the above to be included in the competition. Posts and entries are not limited to 1 per week – please, post as many as you like! Inclusion of furry friends in the pictures always appreciated, to keep the spirits of our team and social media community high.

We are looking forward to seeing all your pictures!

Visit www.ugears.online
Visit www.jigzle.co.uk