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The self-assembly models that are created using the UGears construction kits have many outstanding features compare to the models created by other designers of self-assembly kits. All the parts are made of high quality plywood and they are shipped in beautiful design boxes. These new-generation self-assembly kits provide exciting and complex puzzle games that are equally enjoyed by children and elderly people. These construction kits contain numerous components with precise pre-cut details and the models that are created using these parts are truly mechanical and moving. These models are put in motion by way of manual winding.
The vintage model
The construction of the Steam Locomotive using the UGears self-assembly kits is a challenging as well as interesting task. This model has an amazing design and both the craftsmanship and the artistic details make it a unique model. The satisfaction and excitement that one gets on completion of this construction project are extraordinary. One has to experience the excitement to understand the intensity and depth. The UGears Steam Locomotive is incredibly realistic and it has exceptional perfection in all aspects. The model closely resembles the steam locomotive of 19th century with the characteristic wheels, gears, pistons and various other components. All the parts that are required to create this model are provided in the UGears kit and each and every detail of the parts are cut with maximum perfection.
The various aspects of the locomotive
The engine can be started using the lever provided near the driver’s window. This locomotive can move up to 5 meters and it is speeded up using the same lever. The gearwheel array of the engine is very big and by observing the functioning of the piston and the valve which are inside the model one can easily understand how the steam chamber of a locomotive receives the steam. The locomotive model features a compact and stylish cabin in which a ladder and an instrument panel are provided. The inside of the cabin is visible through the very small door as well as the openings on the roof. All the components are made of pre-cut plywood boards that are very easy to assemble together. One need not use glue or any other synthetic adhesive to join the parts.
A unique mechanical puzzle
The user manual explains very clearly the construction of the locomotive model using the components provided in the kit. Those who have the patience to carry out the complex task can easily construct the model. The kit consists of about 440 components and one can complete the task of constructing the locomotive in around 10 hours. The locomotive is one of the most complex models that UGears offer and also the most popular. Those who construct mechanical models in their leisure time will certainly agree that this is one among the best puzzles they had. It is easy to assemble the parts and the different stages of the project are seamless. The quality of the material, the amazing design and clear instructions make it an awesome mechanical model kit for. While the self-assembly kit itself is a great gift, the constructed locomotive can also be a unique gift. It is extremely satisfying to construct such a kit.