UGears has emerged out to be the leading brand for getting the most attractive mechanical models. The brand has an extensive collection of various mechanical toys manufactured using natural materials that do not pose any sort of harm for your kids. One of their mechanical models, Tram Line, deserves special...

By Alexander Dubets Read more

For the people who are fond of vintage stuff and quality puzzles, the mechanical models for UGears are ideal for them. UGears, with the most attractive designed models and smart engineering, has become the top choice of people of all ages. They have the best products that are made of...

By Alexander Dubets Read more

Antikythera Mechanism is the first analogical computer that was created in the world. Ancient Greeks created this computer and used it for various purposes ranging from calculating the movement of moon, sun, and planets to simple calculations. The amazing Antikythera mechanism brought a revolution as it made the calculations easier...

By Alexander Dubets Read more
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